November 19, 2010


I am going to tell you how to listen to podcasts and get all the updates all in one site. 

  1. Open your internet browser i.e. Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer
  2. Search "podcast" on your search bar
  3. Click on a podcast link where you can subscribe to them
  4. Click on a podcast that you prefer to listen to
  5. Copy the podcast RSS URL link
  6. Open another tab (if you want to)
  7. Search "google reader" on your search bar
  8. Click on the first link
  9. On the left top corner, click on "add a subscription"
  10. Paste RSS link
  11. Click "add"
  12. FINISH! You can now get all the new episodes from that podcast! 
If you have any problems, please feel free to comment below.

October 19, 2010

Unit Reflection

I learned many things in this unit, I learned what a blog really is and what is the purpose for having our own blog. A blog is like your own website, that other people can see. In a blog, I learnt that you can embed many things in it, including YouTube videos, LibraryThing and more! In this unit, I think the most challenging part was embedding things on the blog. Next time what I could do differently is to pay a little more attention in class so I won't forget my homework.

What I Do

I don't only go to school everyday, I have other things to do. For example:

Art- I like art because it relaxes me when I draw.
Swimming- I like swimming because I can be active while I swim.
Listening to Music- When I am bored at some point, I listen to music.

5 Useful Search Tips

  • While searching, keep everything simple.
  • Make your keyword specific. 
  • Do not search long sentences
  • Don't always rely on one site, check other sites too
  • Read the descriptions before going on to the site
Google Help- I used this website for my information.

September 22, 2010

DON'Ts on the Internet

Blogging is a free way of posting what ever you want. But some people blog inappropriately. Here are some examples that people do on their blog:
- List personal information
- Insulting other people (cyber bullying) 
- Putting their own picture of themselves

The Internet allows you to search what ever you want. We have to be really careful on what we are looking for, if we are not careful, there might be some inappropriate stuff or viruses that might be bad for your computer. 

September 3, 2010

Education Today and Tomorrow

Welcome To My BLog

Hello, my name is Vanessa. Welcome to my learning blog. I am a Year 7 student. In this blog, you will find all sorts of interesting facts about what I learn in our ICT class. Our ICT teacher asked us to create this learning blog, so we can remember what we have learnt before.