September 22, 2010

DON'Ts on the Internet

Blogging is a free way of posting what ever you want. But some people blog inappropriately. Here are some examples that people do on their blog:
- List personal information
- Insulting other people (cyber bullying) 
- Putting their own picture of themselves

The Internet allows you to search what ever you want. We have to be really careful on what we are looking for, if we are not careful, there might be some inappropriate stuff or viruses that might be bad for your computer. 

September 3, 2010

Education Today and Tomorrow

Welcome To My BLog

Hello, my name is Vanessa. Welcome to my learning blog. I am a Year 7 student. In this blog, you will find all sorts of interesting facts about what I learn in our ICT class. Our ICT teacher asked us to create this learning blog, so we can remember what we have learnt before.