October 19, 2010

Unit Reflection

I learned many things in this unit, I learned what a blog really is and what is the purpose for having our own blog. A blog is like your own website, that other people can see. In a blog, I learnt that you can embed many things in it, including YouTube videos, LibraryThing and more! In this unit, I think the most challenging part was embedding things on the blog. Next time what I could do differently is to pay a little more attention in class so I won't forget my homework.

What I Do

I don't only go to school everyday, I have other things to do. For example:

Art- I like art because it relaxes me when I draw.
Swimming- I like swimming because I can be active while I swim.
Listening to Music- When I am bored at some point, I listen to music.

5 Useful Search Tips

  • While searching, keep everything simple.
  • Make your keyword specific. 
  • Do not search long sentences
  • Don't always rely on one site, check other sites too
  • Read the descriptions before going on to the site
Google Help- I used this website for my information.