March 23, 2011

Spanish Homework

¿Que deportes haces?

Me llamo Vanessa. No me gustan nada los deportes. Hago atletismo en el inicio de la clase de educación física, porque es muy cansado. Los viernes, a las cinco, hago natación. Juego al fútbol porque es muy interesante. No me gusta patinaje y esqui porque muy difícil. Escucho musica, hago mis deberes y duermo en mi dormitorio.

March 1, 2011

The Internet

Today in IL we were talking about the internet. How it works and it's functions. We are focusing on packet switching, network of networks and TCP / IP. The real reason for doing this is to learn about taking notes. Here is my rewritten work from my notes. 

When someone takes a photo and they want to upload it on the internet, your laptop connects to the network, and it will send the photo to other networks. It then sends it to the computer you want to send it to. When the computer is located, they send the photo using the IP address. When the packet gets transferred, it will be sent in a matter of seconds. The packets can take any route to networks, but it will try to find the fastest and easiest way.  

Here is a video of a role play on how the internet works.